

Unit II: Kinematics

XI Notes-Physics

Unit II: Kinematics


          Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight Line

  1. Frame of reference
  2. Motion in a straight line
  3. Position-time graph
  4. Speed and velocity
  5. Elementary concepts of differentiation and integration for describing motion
  6. Uniform and non-uniform motion
  7. Average speed and instantaneous velocity
  8. Uniformly accelerated motion
  9. Velocity time
  10. Position-time graphs
  11. Relations for uniformly accelerated motion (graphical treatment)

           Click on below given links to view/download:  

 Handwritten Notes -  1-D Motion.pdf

 Rapid Revision Notes - Rapid-1-D Motion.pdf   

         Chapter 4: Motion in a Plane


  1. Scalar and vector quantities
  2. Position and displacement vectors
  3. general vectors and their notations
  4. equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real number
  5. addition and subtraction of vectors
  6. Relative velocity
  7. Unit vector
  8. Resolution of a vector in a plane - rectangular components
  9. Scalar and Vector product of vectors
  10. Motion in a plane
  11. Cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration-projectile motion
  12. Uniform circular motion

Click on below given links to view/download:   

Handwritten Notes - 2-D Motion.pdf

 Rapid Revision Notes - Rapid_2-D_Motion.pdf

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