

Unit III: Laws of Motion


                 Unit III: Laws of Motion


   Chapter 5: Laws of Motion
  1. Intuitive concept of force
  2. Inertia
  3. Newton's first law of motion
  4. momentum and Newton's second law of motion
  5. impulse; Newton's third law of motion
  6. Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications
  7. Equilibrium of concurrent forces
  8. Static and kinetic friction
  9. laws of friction
  10. rolling friction
  11. lubrication
  12. Dynamics of uniform circular motion:
  13. · Centripetal force, examples of circular motion (vehicle on a level circular road, vehicle on banked road.

                   Click on below given links to view/download:  

                    Handwritten Notes- Laws_of_Motion(Ins).pdf
                 Rapid Rivision Notes- Rapid-Laws of Motion.pdf

       For further notes for jee go to

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