

Unit XII: Organic Chemistry (Unit XIII: Hydrocarbons - Classification)

  Unit XII: Organic Chemistry


  1. Some Basic Principles and Technique
  2. General introduction
  3. Methods of purification
  4. Qualitative and quantitative analysis
  5. Classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds
  6. Electronic displacements in a covalent bond
  7. Inductive effect
  8. Electromeric effect
  9. Resonance and hyper conjugation
  10. Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond
  11. Free radicals
  12. Carbocations
  13. Carbanions
  14. Electrophiles
  15. Nucleophile
  16. Types of organic reactions

              Click on below given links to view/download:   

Handwritten Notes- Organic Chemistry.pdf

Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-BasicOrganicChem&itsEstimation.pdf


 Unit XIII: Hydrocarbons - Classification


  1. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
  2. Alkanes
  3. ·        Nomenclature
  4. ·        Isomerism
  5. ·        Conformation (ethane only)
  6. ·        Physical properties
  7. ·        Chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation
  8. ·        Combustion
  9. ·        Pyrolysis
  10. Alkenes
  11. ·        Nomenclature
  12. ·        Structure of double bond (ethene)
  13. ·        Geometrical isomerism
  14. ·        Physical properties
  15. ·        Methods of preparation
  16. ·        Chemical reactions
  17. ·        Addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides (markownikov's addition and peroxide effect)
  18. ·        Ozonolysis
  19. ·        Oxidation
  20. Mechanism of electrophilic addition
  21. Alkynes
  22. ·        Nomenclature
  23. ·        Structure of triple bond (ethyne)
  24. ·        Physical properties
  25. ·        Methods of preparation
  26. ·        Chemical reactions
  27. ·        Acidic character of alkynes
  28. ·        Addition reaction of - hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water
  29. Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  30. ·        Introduction
  31. ·        IUPAC nomenclature
  32. ·        Benzene
  33. ·        Resonance
  34. ·        Aromaticity
  35. ·        Chemical properties
  36. ·        Mechanism of electrophilic substitution
  37. ·        Nitration
  38. ·        Sulphonation
  39. ·        Halogenation
  40. ·        Friedel Craft's alkylation and acylation
  41. ·        directive influence of functional group in mono-substituted benzene
  42. ·        Carcinogenicity and toxicity

                 Click on below given links to view/download:   

Handwritten Notes- Hydrocarbons.pdf

Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-Hydrocarbons&EnvironmentChem.pdf

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