

Unit V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body


Unit V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body


    Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion


  1. Centre of mass of a two-particle system
  2. momentum conservation and center of mass motion
  3. Centre of mass of a rigid body
  4. Centre of mass of a uniform rod
  5. Moment of a force
  6. Torque
  7. angular momentum
  8. laws of conservation of angular momentum and its applications
  9. Equilibrium of rigid bodies
  10. rigid body rotation and equations of rotational motion
  11. comparison of linear and rotational motions
  12. Moment of inertia
  13. radius of gyration
  14. Values of moments of inertia, for simple geometrical objects (no derivation)
  15. Statement of parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications.
                              Click on below given links to view/download:  

     Handwritten Notes- System of Particles &Rotational Motion.pdf

   Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-COM_Rotational_Motion.pdf

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