

Unit VI: Gravitation + Unit IX: Behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases


Unit VI: Gravitation


                       Chapter 8: Gravitation


  1.   Keplar's laws of planetary motion
  2.   The universal law of gravitation
  3.   Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth
  4.   Gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential
  5.   Escape velocity
  6.   Orbital velocity of a satellite

                             Click on below given links to view/download:  

Handwritten Notes-

Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-Gravitation.pdf  

Unit IX: Behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases

                                               Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory


  1.   Equation of state of a perfect gas
  2.   Work done in compressing a gas
  3.   Kinetic theory of gases:

  •    Assumptions
  •    Concept of pressure 
    4.Kinetic interpretation of temperature:
  •  rms speed of gas molecules
  •  Degrees of freedom
  • Law of equi-partition of energy (statement only) and application to specific heat capacities of gases
  •   Concept of mean free path
  •   Avogadro's number

                         Click on below given links to view/download:  

Handwritten Notes-

Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-KT of Gases&Thermodynamics.pdf

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