

Unit VII: Properties of Bulk Matter + Unit VIII: Thermodynamics

  Unit VII: Properties of Bulk Matter

  Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids

  1. Elastic behavior
  2. Stress-strain relationship
  3. Hooke's law
  4. Young's modulus
  5. Bulk modulus
  6. Shear modulus of rigidity
  7. Poisson's ratio
  8. Elastic energy

                        Click on below given links to view/download:   

                Handwritten Notes-

                Rapid Revision Notes-Rapid-Properties of Solids&Liquids.pdf


Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids


  1. Pressure due to a fluid column
  2. Pascal's law and its applications (hydraulic lift and hydraulic brakes)
  3. Effect of gravity on fluid pressure
  4. Viscosity
  5. Stokes' law
  6. terminal velocity
  7. streamline and turbulent flow
  8. critical velocity
  9. Bernoulli's theorem and its applications
  10. Surface energy and surface tension
  11. angle of contact
  12. excess of pressure across a curved surface
  13. application of surface tension ideas to drops
  14. bubbles and capillary rise

                          Click on below given links to view/download:  

                Handwritten Notes-

                Rapid Revision Notes-Rapid-Properties of Solids&Liquids.pdf


                                          Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter


  1. Heat, temperature, thermal expansion
  2. Thermal expansion of:
  3. ·        Solids
  4. ·        Liquids
  5. ·        Gases
  6. Anomalous expansion of water
  7. Specific heat capacity
  8. Cp, Cv – calorimetry
  9. Change of state
  10. Latent heat capacity
  11. Heat transfer:
  12. ·        Conduction
  13. ·        Convection
  14. ·        radiation
  15. Thermal conductivity
  16. Qualitative ideas of Blackbody radiation
  17. Wein's displacement Law
  18. Stefan's law
  19. Greenhouse effect

                          Click on below given links to view/download:             

            Handwritten Notes-

           Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-Thermal_Properties_of matter.pdf



                   Unit VIII: Thermodynamics


                                             Chapter 12: Thermodynamics


Ø  Thermal equilibrium and definition of temperature

·        Zeroth law of thermodynamics

Ø  Heat, work and internal energy

Ø  First law of thermodynamics

Ø  Isothermal and adiabatic processes

Ø  Second law of thermodynamics:

·        Reversible and irreversible processes

Ø  Heat engine and refrigerator

                    Click on below given links to view/download:  

Handwritten Notes-

Rapid Revision Notes-  Rapid-Thermodynamics.pdf 

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